A video interview (with transcript) with Tim Freriks before the 2019 Pikes Peak Marathon.
A video interview (with transcript) with Eli Gordón before the 2019 Pikes Peak Marathon.
A video interview (with transcript) with Yngvild Kaspersen before the 2019 Pikes Peak Marathon.
AJW speculates on whether Kilian Jornet will set the Pikes Peak Marathon course record this weekend.
A video interview (with transcript) with Rémi Bonnet before the 2019 Pikes Peak Marathon.
A video interview (with transcript) with Kilian Jornet before the 2019 Pikes Peak Marathon.
A video interview (with transcript) with Meg Mackenzie before the 2019 Pikes Peak Marathon.
An in-depth preview of the men’s field at the 2019 Pikes Peak Marathon.
A look at the science behind the occurrence of and treating low-back pain in runners.
An in-depth preview of the women’s field at the 2019 Pikes Peak Marathon.
This Week In Running’s trail and ultra recap for August 19, 2019.
Zach Miller’s essay about embracing our own, unique running strengths and weaknesses.
How the coccyx is an important part of everyday and athletic health.
This Week In Running’s trail and ultra recap for August 12, 2019.
AJW writes about the section of the Appalachian Trail through Shenandoah National Park in Virginia.
An essay about Joe Grant and Kyle Richardson’s completion of the Wasatch Ultimate Linkup (WURL) in Utah.
This Week In Running’s trail and ultra recap for August 5, 2019.
Results from iRunFar’s 2019 Western States 100 prediction contest.
A review of the Columbia F.K.T. II Short Sleeve Shirt.
A profile of Leadville Trail 100 Mile Hope Pass aid station leaders Vicky Foster and Gary Carlton.
This Week In Running’s trail and ultra recap for July 29, 2019.
AJW looks at the hot and humid 2019 Vermont 100 Mile.
An in-depth review of the Altra Superior 4 trail running shoes.
How to prepare your food for the Marathon des Sables.
Tips for new trail runners on running smart and happy when it’s hot.
This Week In Running’s trail and ultra recap for July 22, 2019.
I usually start running right from the steps of my parents’ Pennsylvania back door. Same thing at Barr Camp, Colorado: […]
A collection of 30 trail-worthy shoes that hit shelves in mid-2019.
An in-depth profile of trail runner Alex Nichols.
An essay about teleology for runners.
The science of pre-cooling and mid-cooling in endurance running.
This Week In Running’s trail and ultra recap for July 15, 2019.
An essay about the importance of managing expectations in running and life.
Joe Grant looks back on his 1995 visit to Colorado’s Independence Pass and its influence on him today.
Damian Hall’s report from setting the Paddy Buckley Round record in 2019.
Bryon Powell writes about how returning to the Ultra Gobi allows him to remain a student of the sport.
Joe Uhan writes about the tissue and force abnormalities which can cause running injuries.
This Week In Running’s trail and ultra recap for July 8, 2019.
AJW writes about running under summertime sunrises.
An in-depth profile of ultrarunner Noé Castañón.
A photo gallery from the 2019 Western States 100 by photographer Michael Lebowitz.
An excerpt from the book ‘Running Home’ by ultrarunning author Katie Arnold.
How to navigate difficult underfoot conditions when trail running.
This Week In Running’s trail and ultra recap for July 1, 2019.
An interview (with transcript) with Scott Mills after his 20th finish of the Western States 100 in 2019.
An interview (with transcript) with Ian Sharman after his tenth Western States 100 finish in 2019.
An interview (with transcript) with Nicole Bitter after her seventh-place finish at the 2019 Western States 100.
An interview (with transcript) with Tom Evans after his third-place finish at the 2019 Western States 100.
An interview (with transcript) with Kaci Lickteig after her third-place finish at the 2019 Western States 100.
An interview (with transcript) with Jared Hazen after his second-place finish at the 2019 Western States 100.
An interview (with transcript) with Brittany Peterson after her second-place finish at the 2019 Western States 100.
An interview (with transcript) with Jim Walmsley after his win of the 2019 Western States 100.
An interview (with transcript) with Clare Gallagher after her win of the 2019 Western States 100.
Results from the 2019 Western States 100.