Synopsis of Week’s Training:
After two back-to-back harder efforts, my legs were a bit tired on Monday. I headed out planning on run 8 to 12 miles, but bagged that idea early on. As the run progressed, my planned mileage continued to drop until I wrapped the run up after just 3.5 miles. However, during what would have been an otherwise disappointing run, I was treated to a close encounter with an adult red-tailed hawk as well as a juvenile that may have been making one of its first ventures from the nest. I stopped and observed these magnificent birds for 10 or 15 minutes from very close range.
I came home from work exhausted on Tuesday and decided not to run. Streak over. On Wednesday, I again came home tired, but bucked up and headed out for 5 miles on my hillier course. Once I got moving, I felt fine. Makes me think I should have gone out on Tuesday. I’m seriously lacking in the motivation department at the moment. I need the Hardrock 100 to go down so I can pick my races and work towards a particular goal. Thursday I ran my flatter loop pretty quickly… I’m not sure why, but it was probably could out. Friday was any easy 5, but as with last week my easy run pace is now faster than it was a few weeks ago; now I actually feel like I’m running when I’m going easy on the flat.
Then there was Saturday. Blah. I went out with the option of going 12 miles mostly in Potomac Overlook Park. Instead, I baled way early, turning back towards home only two miles in. I made up for it on Sunday, when I headed out mid-afternoon with my camera. It would be another American Four-Square run. I was again planning on running 10 to 12 miles, but mid-run made the decision to cover the entirety of another neighborhood (Wavely Hills) after already covering Cherrydale. In the end I fought my way to 16 miles, which is my longest run of the year by 7 miles. It really was a battle. Fortunately, I saw almost two dozen American Foursquares, 7 home with full metal roofs (and man y partial metal roofs), and some other inspiring architectural details. Here’s how Sunday’s run looks on the map.
By The Numbers:
Monday – 3.5. Blah.
Tuesday – 0. Too tired.
Wednesday – 5. Some hills.
Thursday – 5. Some speed.
Friday – 5. Some easy.
Saturday – 4.5. Blah.
Sunday – 16. “Long”.
Weekly Mileage: 38
Year-to-Date Mileage: 149
Three Week Moving Average: 38.3
Year-to-Date Weekly Average: 38.3
Upcoming Training Goals:
Make it out at least six days. During the week get in one quicker run as well as a run with sustained climbs like “Walker’s Fear.” I also need to try and build on this week’s 16 miler with something in the 18-20 mile range. While the endurance portion of this long run will be difficult, I think I’ll have built the requisite leg strength over the preceding month. Basically, for me to have any shot at finishing the Mt. Mitchell Challenge in less than a month, I need to get in a few more hillier runs during the coming weeks and push out my long runs a bit more aggressively. Overall, I’ll increase my weekly mileage only slowly and take rest when I need it.