Sarah Hansel Post-Nolan’s 14 Unsupported and Overall Fastest Known Time Interview
A written interview with Sarah Hansel after she set the unsupported and overall women’s fastest known times for the Nolan’s 14 line.
A written interview with Sarah Hansel after she set the unsupported and overall women’s fastest known times for the Nolan’s 14 line.
A written interview with Joey Campanelli after he set the unsupported and overall fastest known time for the Nolan’s 14 line.
An in-depth profile of trail ultrarunner Coree Woltering.
AJW writes about the section of the Appalachian Trail through Shenandoah National Park in Virginia.
A written interview with Joe Grant after he set the unsupported fastest known time for the Nolan’s 14 line.
A written interview with Alex Nichols after he set the supported fastest known time for the Nolan’s 14 line.
Cat Bradley’s report from setting the Grand Canyon Rim-to-Rim-to-Rim fastest known time in 2017.
An interview with François D’haene after his supported John Muir Trail FKT.
An interview with Joe McConaughy after his Appalachian Trail self-supported FKT.
A written interview with Spain’s Iker Karrera after he set the fastest known time for the Nolan’s 14 line.
Jim Walmsley’s report from his Grand Canyon Rim-to-Rim and Rim-to-Rim-to-Rim FKTs.
An interview with Karl Meltzer after his record-setting performance on the Appalachian Trail.
An interview (with transcript) with Meghan Hicks after her FKT on Colorado’s Nolan’s 14 route.
An in-depth interview with Andrew Hamilton after he set the Colorado 14ers FKT and the Nolan’s 14 FKT in the summer of 2015.
An interview with Krissy Moehl after she set the women’s supported FKT on the Tahoe Rim Trail.
The Trail Sisters contemplate the fastest known time concept from a female perspective.
An in-depth video interview (with transcript) with Scott Jurek after he set the supported speed record for the Appalachian Trail in 2015.
A video interview (with transcript) with Gary Robbins after he set the fastest known time for the Wonderland Trail in Washington state.
A profile of Pacific Crest Trail supported FKT holder Joe McConaughy.
Leor Pantilat’s report from his supported John Muir Trail FKT.
A video interview (with transcript) with Karl Meltzer before his 2014 attempt to set the Appalachian Trail speed record.
A video interview (with transcript) with Kilian Jornet about his speed record on Mount Denali.
An interview with Ryan Sandes and Ryno Griesel following their Drakensberg Grand Traverse FKT.
Ben Nephew reports on his FKT of the The North-South Trail in Rhode Island in the spring of 2013.
Brian Donnelly’s FKT of the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) through Oregon.
Heather “Anish” Anderson’s FKT on the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT).
An interview with Kilian Jornet about his record-setting ascent-and-descent of the Matterhorn.
Vignettes of Scott Jaime’s supported fastest known time (FKT) on the 486-mile Colorado Trail in August 2013.