This Week In Running’s trail and ultra recap for September 21, 2015.
An interview (with transcript) with Kilian Jornet after his win at Ultra Pirineu 2015.
An interview (with transcript) with Emelie Forsberg after her win at Ultra Pirineu 2015.
An interview (with transcript) with Zaid Ait Malek after his second-place finish at Ultra Pirineu 2015.
An interview with Mira Rai after her second-place finish at Ultra Pirineu 2015.
A video interview (with transcript) with Kilian Jornet before Ultra Pirineu 2015.
A video interview (with transcript) with Emelie Forsberg before Ultra Pirineu 2015.
A video interview (with transcript) with Luis Alberto Hernando before Ultra Pirineu 2015.
An in-depth video review (with transcript) of the Montrail Mountain Masochist III.
A video interview (with transcript) with Camille Herron after her win at the 2015 IAU 100k World Championships.
A video interview (with transcript) with Jonas Buud after his win at the 2015 IAU 100k World Championships.
A video interview (with transcript) with Kajsa Berg after her second-place finish at the 2015 IAU 100k World Championships.
A video interview (with transcript) with Asier Cuevas after his second-place finish at the 2015 IAU 100k World Championships.
A video interview (with transcript) with Marija Vrajic after her third-place finish the 2015 IAU 100k World Championships.
A video interview (with transcript) with Giorgio Calcaterra after his third-place finish at the 2015 IAU 100k World Championships.
Results from the 2015 IAU 100k World Championships won by Jonas Buud and Camille Herron.
This Week In Running’s trail and ultra recap for September 14, 2015.
Live coverage of the 2015 IAU 100k World Championships.
AJW writes about how we can feel both excitement and dread for a run or race we really care about.
A video interview (with transcript) with Jo Zakrzewski before the 2015 IAU 100k World Championships.
A video interview (with transcript) with Kajsa Berg before the 2015 IAU 100k World Championships.
A video interview (with transcript) with Jonas Buud before the 2015 IAU 100k World Championships.
A video interview (with transcript) with Steve Way before the 2015 IAU 100k World Championships.
A video interview with Camille Herron before the 2015 2015 IAU 100k World Championships.
A video interview (with transcript) with Zach Bitter before the 2015 2015 IAU 100k World Championships.
Geoff Roes describes how he reacts when his body responds unpredictably to training.
Joe Uhan explains ‘The Grind Mile’ as part of a warm-up before hard running.
A preview of the 2015 IAU 100k World Championships.
A video interview (with transcript) with Matt Shryock after his third-place finish at the 2015 The Rut 50k.
A video interview (with transcript) with Martina Valmassoi after her third-place finish at the 2015 The Rut 50k.
A video interview (with transcript) with Cristofer Clemente after his second-place finish at the 2015 The Rut 50k.
A video interview (with transcript) with Hillary Allen after her second-place finish at the 2015 The Rut 50k.
Results from the 2015 The Rut 50k.
This Week In Running’s trail and ultra recap for September 7, 2015.
A video interview (with transcript) with Franco Collé after his win of the 2015 The Rut 50k.
A video interview (with transcript) with Emelie Forsberg after her win of the 2015 The Rut 50k.
A video interview (with transcript) with Mario Mendoza before the 2015 The Rut 50k.
A video interview (with transcript) with Kristina Pattison before the 2015 The Rut 50k.
A video interview (with transcript) with Hillary Allen before the 2015 The Rut 50k.
A video interview (with transcript) with Matt Shryock before the 2015 The Rut 50k.
AJW interviews Brian Morrison after his finish of the 2015 Cascade Crest 100 Mile.
Eric Senseman writes about being hit by a car during the 2015 TransRockies Run, and going on to win the race.
Live coverage of the 2015 The Rut 50k.
Dakota Jones writes about crewing Missy Gosney and Anna Frost on their Nolan’s 14 outing.
A preview of the 2015 The Rut 50k.
This Week In Running’s trail and ultra recap for August 31, 2015.
A video interview (with transcript) with Seth Swanson after his fourth-place finish at the 2015 Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc.
A video interview (with transcript) with David Laney after his third-place finish at the 2015 Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc.
A video interview (with transcript) with Denise Zimmermann after her third-place finish at the 2015 Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc.
A video interview (with transcript) with Luis Alberto Hernando after his second-place finish at the 2015 Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc.
A video interview (with transcript) with Uxue Fraile after her second-place finish at the 2015 Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc.
A video interview (with transcript) with Xavier Thévenard after his win at the 2015 Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc.
A video interview (with transcript) with Nathalie Mauclair after her win at the 2015 Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc.
Results from the 2015 Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc (UTMB).
Video of the top-three women at the 2015 Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc finishing.
Videos of the top-four men finishing the 2015 Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc.