Lastest Articles

Though You Have Considered The Facts

Zach Miller contemplates the sources of joy in humans.

The Gift of Failure

A look at the positive side of failure, especially in running.

Geoff Burns Pre-2016 Ultravasan Interview

A video interview with Geoff Burns before the 2016 Ultravasan 90k.

Sarah Bard Pre-2016 Ultravasan Interview

A video interview (with transcript) with Sarah Bard before the 2016 Ultravasan 90k.

Jasmin Nunige Pre-2016 Ultravasan Interview

A video interview (with transcript) with Jasmin Nunige before the 2016 Ultravasan 90k.

2016 UTMB Men’s Preview

A preview of the 2016 UTMB men’s race.

Jonas Buud Pre-2016 Ultravasan Interview

A video interview (with transcript) with Jonas Buud before the 2016 Ultravasan 90k.


Aliza Lapierre writes about the impacts of rock stacking.

2016 Ultravasan 90k Live Coverage

Live coverage of the 2016 Ultravasan 90k.

2016 UTMB Women’s Preview

A preview of the 2016 UTMB women’s race.

WeRunFar Profile: Merilee Maupin And Ken Chlouber

An in-depth interview with Leadville Trail 100 Mile founders Merilee Maupin And Ken Chlouber.

2016 Ultravasan Preview

A preview of the 2016 Ultravasan 90k in Sweden.

This Week In Running: August 15, 2016

This Week In Running’s trail and ultra recap for August 15, 2016.

What Do You Think About When You Run?

AJW philosophizes on what we think about when we run.

Best New Trail Running Shoes from the 2016 Summer Outdoor Retailer Show

The best new trail shoes from the 2016 Summer Outdoor Retailer show.

Race Directoring

Dakota Jones writes about what directing the Telluride Mountain Run means to him.

Process To Outcome, Part 1: Goal Setting In Training And Racing

Joe Uhan writes about process-oriented goal setting for trail and ultrarunning.

This Week In Running: August 8, 2016

This Week In Running’s trail and ultra recap for August 8, 2016.

2016 Salomon S-Lab XA Alpine Giveaway

Win one of three pairs of Salomon S-Lab XA Alpine shoes.

Changing Times At The Western States 100

AJW explains the Western States 100 new General Wait List and Silver Legend Entry.

Tackling New Terrain: Basic Trail Running Techniques

The basic techniques for uphill, downhill, and flat trail running.

Returning To Normal: Getting Back On Track After A Focus Ultra

A discussion of how to return to normal, beyond physical recovery, after a focus ultramarathon.

Running With The Bears: A Guide For Trail Runners

A how-to for running in places where bears live.

This Week In Running: August 1, 2016

This Week In Running’s trail and ultra recap for August 1, 2016.

Gonzalo Calisto’s Doping Suspension

Facts about Gonzalo Calisto’s doping suspension following a positive test for EPO at the 2015 UTMB.

Running And The Stuff That Really Matters

AJW writes about how running is always teaching him lessons.

The Desert Express: A Profile Of Mohamad Ahansal

An in-depth profile of Moroccan ultrarunner and race director Mohamad Ahansal.

Make Trails Safe Again

The Trail Sisters write about how to stay safe while trail running.

The Pursuit of Happiness

Joe Grant reflects on the Hardrock 100 and, in particular, his 2016 race.

iRunFar Reader Focus Survey

A quick survey of what you come to iRunFar to look at.

This Week In Running: July 25, 2016

This Week In Running’s trail and ultra recap for July 25, 2016.

Down to the Very Marrow: My 2016 Hardrock 100

AJW shares his experience at the 2016 Hardrock 100.

Montrail Rogue F.K.T. Review

An in-depth review of the Montrail Rogue F.K.T.

Risk Versus Reward

Aliza Lapierre writes of fighting… for 78 miles of the 2016 Western States 100.

WeRunFar Profile: Ulli Kamm

An in-depth interview with ultrarunner Ulli Kamm.

Kilian Jornet, 2016 Hardrock 100 Co-Champion, Interview

A video interview (with transcript) with Kilian Jornet after his win at the 2016 Hardrock 100.

Anna Frost, 2016 Hardrock 100 Champion, Interviews

Video interviews (with transcripts) with Anna Frost after her win at the 2016 Hardrock 100.

Jason Schlarb, 2016 Hardrock 100 Co-Champion, Interview

A video interview (with transcript) with Jason Schlarb after his win at the 2016 Hardrock 100.

Emma Roca Post-2016 Hardrock 100 Interview

A video interview (with transcript) with Emma Roca after her second-place finish at the 2016 Hardrock 100.

Xavier Thévenard Post-2016 Hardrock 100 Interview

A video interview (with transcript) with Xavier Thévenard after his third-place finish at the 2016 Hardrock 100.

Bethany Lewis Post-2016 Hardrock 100 Interview

A video interview (with transcript) with Bethany Lewis after her third-place finish at the 2016 Hardrock 100.

This Week In Running: July 18, 2016

This Week In Running’s trail and ultra recap for July 18, 2016.

2016 Hardrock 100 Results

Results from the 2016 Hardrock 100.

Hardrocking: Sharing The Lode

The history of the hardrock mining found along the Hardrock Hundred Endurance Run course.

Xavier Thévenard Pre-2016 Hardrock 100 Interview

A video interview (with transcript) with Xavier Thévenard before the 2016 Hardrock 100.

Kilian Jornet Pre-2016 Hardrock 100 Interview

A video interview (with transcript) with Kilian Jornet before the 2016 Hardrock 100.

Andy Jones-Wilkins and Bryon Powell Pre-2016 Hardrock 100 Interview

A video interview with Andy Jones-Wilkins and Bryon Powell before the 2016 Hardrock 100.


Dakota Jones writes about the perspective the Midwestern Plains give him about the concept of space.

2016 Hardrock 100 Live Coverage

Live coverage of the 2016 Hardrock 100.

Bethany Lewis Pre-2016 Hardrock 100 Interview

A video interview (with transcript) with Bethany Lewis before the 2016 Hardrock 100.

Waterskiing With Jim Walmsley

Joe Uhan talks about the quality of Jim Walmsley’s running stride during the 2016 Western States 100.

Anna Frost Pre-2016 Hardrock 100 Interview

A video interview (with transcript) with Anna Frost before the 2016 Hardrock 100.

Jason Schlarb Pre-2016 Hardrock 100 Interview

A video interview (with transcript) with Jason Schlarb before the 2016 Hardrock 100.

Emma Roca Pre-2016 Hardrock 100 Interview

A video interview with Emma Roca before the 2016 Hardrock 100.

Jeff Browning Pre-2016 Hardrock 100 Interview

A video interview (with transcript) with Jeff Browning before the 2016 Hardrock 100.

This Week In Running: July 11, 2016

This Week In Running’s trail and ultra recap for July 11, 2016.

2016 Western States 100 Prediction Contest Results

The results of iRunFar’s 2016 Western States 100 prediction contest.

2016 Salomon S-Lab Sense 5 Ultra Giveaway

Win one of five pairs of Salomon S-Lab Sense 5 Ultra trail shoes.

People Get Ready!

AJW writes about meeting his long-term Hardrock 100 training goals.

Post-Western Blues

Lisa Henson writes about how it felt to watch Jim Walmsley try to make history at the 2016 Western States 100.

Race, Repeated

A look at how returning to the same race can allow you to fine tune your training, logistics, and execution.

This Week In Running: July 5, 2016

This Week In Running’s trail and ultra recap for July 5, 2016.