iRunFar Comment Policy

By on December 29, 2013

Reader comments are a foundation of iRunFar. We’ve never seen an online community so ready to engage in civil, constructive dialogue. We the editors gain great enjoyment when a reader provides us with a new perspective and hope you do, too.

We encourage each of you to promote critical, in-depth, intelligent discussions on iRunFar both through your own comments and by helping steer discussion in a positive direction. Create a safe space for others to express their feelings. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

When we step back, we like to think of our readership as the largest of group trail runs. Each article and its comments is a discussion amongst fellow runners out on the trail. Chances are we’re talking about running, a topic that each of us cares deeply about. It’s also a topic that is deeply personal, as we each have our own motivations, fears, desires, and rewards when it comes to running. Still, we’re all runners out there on the same trail… so if and when you strongly disagree with someone… step off the trail for a second, take a deep breath, and make sure your response is a constructive, respectful one that you’d share face-to-face with a fellow runner out there, on the trail, in the company of your peers.

In 2019, iRunFar columnist, runner, and philosopher Sabrina Little wrote a great article about the importance of reasoning with others who share differing opinions and how exactly to go about doing it.

Creating a Community

With a hat tip to Lifehacker, which has a great comment policy, here are some pointers for being a good commenter on iRunFar.

  • Be courteous.
  • Contribute new information to the discussion.
  • Make the tone of your comment clear.
  • Own your comment.
  • Do not feed the trolls.
  • Avoid commenting when you’re angry or upset.

Keeping It Clean

To promote a positive, engaged, civil community, comments containing the following may be edited or deleted without warning.

(Note: On occasion a comment is temporarily caught in WordPress’s spam/moderation filter. We actively monitor these; however, during race coverage, travel, or *gasp* a few days off, such comments may linger for a few days.)

Disrespectful Behavior

  1. Personal attacks on iRunFar commenters, writers, or those mentioned in articles or comments. There is never an excuse to abuse others.
  2. Slandering others. For example, doping allegations are not permitted.
  3. Hateful speech and slurs with regard to race, gender, nationality, sexual preference, and so on. These practices promote hate and disregard, not dialogue and exchange. (N.B. If someone has trouble with English, please be respectful. In fact, try helping them as that helps the entire community.)
  4. Impersonating another person.
  5. Using multiple personas in a deceptive manner.
  6. Excessive use of curse words or directing any such words at an individual or organization. Yes, we the editors and writers of iRunFar occasionally use a dirty word for effect, but we do so sparingly and never direct them negatively toward another.
  7. Intentionally inflammatory rhetoric (i.e., trolling and flaming). Leaving comments like “Zippy brand shoes suck! Duh!” or “Slowest known times are STUPID!?!” is both useless and blatantly inflammatory. Disagreement and alternate viewpoints are permitted; however, we require that they be thoughtful, well-constructed comments presented in a civil manner.


  1. Spam. If it reads like an ad, chances are it’s spam.
  2. Double postings, comments editing one’s previous comment, etc. We all mess up in commenting from time to time. When this happens on iRunFar, we may edit the original comment and delete the follow up to keep things tidy.
  3. Intentionally repetitive comments.
  4. Intentionally repetitive comments.
  5. Comments on spelling and grammar. We very much appreciate when you catch and point out such errors in our work. The best way to do so is to contact us directly. If you leave such a comment, we may make the change and then delete it (with no disrespect) to move it out of the way of discussion.

Do help our moderators by flagging comments that violate our comment policy.

If a reader consistently or intentionally makes this community a less civil or enjoyable place, that reader may have his or her comments pre-moderated and/or be barred from the site.

Whether it’s a substantive point or merely how we communicate something, we’ll need to update and improve these guidelines. The vast majority of tweaks and changes will occur seamlessly and without notification. We will, however, let folks know if we majorly overhaul our comment policy.

If you want another take on commenting policy that fits iRunFar’s philosophy, AllThingsD’s comment policy is another that we could stand behind.


If you have any questions or comments about iRunFar’s commenting guidelines or feel that your comment has been unnecessarily deleted, you can contact us.

Bryon Powell

Bryon Powell is the Founding Editor of iRunFar. He’s been writing about trail running, ultrarunning, and running gear for nearly 20 years. Aside from iRunFar, he’s authored the books Relentless Forward Progress: A Guide to Running Ultramarathons and Where the Road Ends: A Guide to Trail Running, been a contributing editor at Trail Runner magazine, written for publications including Outside, Sierra, and Running Times, and coached ultrarunners of all abilities. Based in Silverton, Colorado, Bryon is an avid trail runner and ultrarunner who competes in events from the Hardrock 100 Mile just out his front door to races long and short around the world, that is, when he’s not fly fishing or tending to his garden.