Take It Easy: The Benefit of Backing Off
A how-to for keeping your easy runs “easy.”
How to identify and alleviate altitute illness in trail running and ultrarunning.
The science of altitude acclimation for endurance running and other outdoor sports.
The difference between a dysfunction and an injury, and how to avoid letting dysfunctional issues become injuries.
Identifying and caring for heat exhaustion and heat stroke while running.
Heat acclimation for hot-weather endurance running.
An article about improving stride efficiency so as to decrease blisters, black toenails, and other foot problems.
A how-to for preventing and caring for blisters while running.
An ultramarathon training guide with links to a wealth of supplementary materials.
A review of how running affects the heart in the short and long term.
Understanding the elements of purposeful stress and then recovery in endurance run training.
A look at the non-asthma breathing problems that occur during endurance running.
A list of specific training runs on the Western States 100 course.
How to increase stride efficiency through visualization and practice.
Information about exertional rhabdomyolysis and current ultramarathon-specific research on it.
Five early season workouts for runners training for long summer ultramarathons.
New ideas in the science behind exercise-associated cramping.
Three steps for pain management in orthopedic issues and ultramarathon racing.
A review of the scientific literature on long-distance running during pregnancy.
Joe Uhan writes about the role of chemical stress in running injuries.
The science behind blood-glucose level and insulin response as they relate to sugar intake in endurance runners.
Joe Uhan writes about psychologically healthy approaches to trail and ultrarunning.
A ‘look’ at the emerging knowledge about ultramarathon-associated vision loss.
An introduction to the Diagonal Chop, an exercise intended to activate the deep abdominal muscles.
Joe Uhan’s seven cues for increasing your trail and ultra running efficiency.