Two-A-Days: When and How to Run Doubles
How to use two-a-days (doubles) in training for an ultramarathon.
How to use two-a-days (doubles) in training for an ultramarathon.
Joe Uhan discusses the equation for happiness in relation to running.
A guide to the importance and execution of the long run in endurance running.
A simple, effective exercise to promote strong, stable hips.
A guide to preparing, training, and racing ultramarathons and other endurance runs at altitude.
Joe Uhan’s advice for mobilizing quadriceps and hip flexors.
How to properly peak for a running race, including ultramarathons.
Joe Uhan imparts running advice he would give to his younger self.
How to prepare to successfully run downhill in an ultramarathon.
Physiotherapist Joe Uhan’s advice on identifying and rectifying neuromuscular inhibition.
Learn why training volume is important for ultramarathoners and how you can find your optimal training volume.
How running cadence, speed, and endurance are affected by up-down hip torque in the running stride.
Advice for new ultramarathon runners on easing intelligently into the sport.
Advice on how to strengthen and mobilize your adductors — an important but often neglected part of a runner’s anatomy.
How, when, and why to include sprint-based, hill, and predictor workouts in your ultramarathon training.
Joe Uhan offers practical solutions to the challenges of winter running.
Why and how to use speed-based workouts in your ultramarathon training.
How to use stamina-based workouts, such as steady state runs, tempo intervals, and thirds progression runs, in your ultramarathon training.
Stiffness explained and science-backed advice to help with mobility.
The role of endurance-based workouts – long runs, easy runs, and recovery runs – in ultramarathon training.
A cohesive collection of more than 30 in-depth articles explaining how to trail run effectively and enjoyably.
Essential elements of ultramarathon training.
Getting ready for your first trail race? Here’s part two of our two-part guide to preparing for your first trail race.
An article about strategies and plan Bs for ultrarunning.
Want to try trail racing? Here’s part one of our two-part guide to preparing for your first trail race.