On the Trail Triage: What to Do When the Trail Takes Its Toll
How to treat injuries and trauma while trail running.
How to treat injuries and trauma while trail running.
A look at fell running shoes, equipment, and weather as well as the event types that make up fell running, including Rounds and Mountain Marathons.
A look at runners’ foot pain that may feel like, but not be plantar fasciitis and what to do about it.
A look at proper torso alignment in running and what to avoid.
Interviews and suggestions based on the book Waterlogged and one runner’s trial based the book’s advice.
A personal look at the female athlete triad, a state of imbalance between diet equilibrium, hormone regulation, and bone density.
A look a Tim Noakes’ book Waterlogged, which challenges accepted theories on endurance sport hydration and electrolyte replacement.
Survival lessons that can be applied to finishing your first 100 miler.
Geoff Roes explores the intrigue of the 100-mile distance and the lack of one correct training program.
Survival lessons that can be applied in training for your first 100 miler.
A look at the elements that going into recovering from a running injury.
A look at how training forces and tissues interact to cause running injuries.
Joe Uhan introduces himself prior to launching a sports medicine and science column – Stay the Course – on iRunFar.
A discussion of various running shoe heel-to-toe drops along with their pros and cons.
The debut of iRunFar’s ultramarathon clubs and ultramarathon resources pages.
A call for information for regarding trail running and ultrarunning clubs.
Kilian Jornet and three others talk about the Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc (UTMB) course and gear.
A look at the effects of ibuprofen use during ultramarathons.
Bryon Powell explains the gear he used at the 2009 Marathon des Sables stage race… and whether he’d use it again.
An overview of snowshoe running, including why and how to do it.
A discussion of how running on the roads may benefit your trail running.