What to Watch for This Weekend
Geoff Roes looks ahead to the dynamics that could play out at the 2012 The North Face Endurance Challenge 50 Mile championships.
Geoff Roes looks ahead to the dynamics that could play out at the 2012 The North Face Endurance Challenge 50 Mile championships.
A look into Ian Torrence and his inspired stubbornness that have made him such a strong ultrarunner for so long.
Five tips to keep you running through early winter and the holiday season.
AJW writes of running the 2012 Mountain Masochist Trail Run after a long, injury-induced break from the sport.
Geoff Roes introduces the concept of financial need-based scholarships for his Alaska Mountain Ultrarunning Camps.
Ellie Greenwood looks back at how her running in high school laid the foundation for her enjoyment of running today.
AJW looks deeper into grit and ultrarunners.
Geoff Roes explains what exactly makes certain places great places for him to be a runner.
Dakota Jones writes of his win at the 2012 Hasetsune Cup in Japan.
Ellie Greenwood asks why more women aren’t running ultramarathons.
A look back at the first year of AJW’s Taproom as well as a look forward to the next year.
Geoff Roes points out the diversity lacking in trail running and how we can each go about changing that.
AJW talks about the joy of uni-tasking while running in a multi-tasking crazed world.
Dakota Jones explains the difficulties he’s had communicating about his current European adventure.
AJW reflects on whether one’s fastest running is necessarily his or her best running.
Dakota Jones writes of the literary portrait and the reality of being in the Alps.
Ellie Greenwood looks into the politics of prize money and the possible effects it could have on ultrarunning.
Geoff Roes explains why trail running needs to discuss and come to an understanding of what is cheating.