The Geography Of Hope
AJW writes about how the Hardrock 100 inspires hope.
Dakota Jones narrates getting lost on his recent backcountry trip.
Geoff Roes writes about the differences between racing the clock and racing other competitors.
The Trail Sisters consider the challenge of patience ahead of the 2015 Western States 100 and the Hardrock 100.
Joe Grant writes about how he falls into nature’s rhythms quickly when he is fully immersed in it.
AJW writes about the ‘Golden Hour,’ the last hour before the 30-hour cutoff at Western States.
Geoff Roes contemplates the way trail running often involves flowing with the natural world.
AJW remembers Arizona ultrarunner Dennis Poolheco who died following a car accident.
Dakota Jones reflects on his trail-running-based travels in Korea and China.
AJW writes about Katie Trent, Nikki Kimball, Anita Ortiz, and Gunhild Swanson’s bids for 2015 Western States 100 finishes.
Geoff Roes reflects on what he learned through running with children.
AJW writes about Gordy Ainsleigh, Ian Sharman, and Gary Knipling’s bids for 2015 Western States 100 finishes.
Geoff Roes theorizes on the longevity of peak performance in high-level ultrarunners.