Breaking Down The 2015 Ultrarunner Of The Year Voting
John Medinger details UltraRunning magazine’s Ultrarunner of the Year selection process for 2015.
John Medinger details UltraRunning magazine’s Ultrarunner of the Year selection process for 2015.
This Week In Running’s trail and ultra recap for January 4, 2016.
AJW writes about the multiple levels of renewal that a long-term relationship with running helps us feel.
The Fifth Annual AJW’s Taproom Year In Ultrarunning Rankings for 2015.
Dakota Jones writes about adventuring in the Colorado Plateau’s canyon country, and how documenting it modified his experience.
Joe Grant writes about taking at least one photo every day of 2015 and how doing so impacted his life.
This Week In Running’s trail and ultra recap for December 21, 2015.
AJW writes about balancing discipline and accountability through one’s life with ultrarunning.
Geoff Roes writes about how you know when or if you need to cut a run short because you feel bad.
This Week In Running’s trail and ultra recap for December 14, 2015.
AJW writes about Ian MacNairn’s PhD project on ultrarunning community.
The Trail Sisters discuss gender-based team-size differences at the World Mountain Running Championships.
This Week In Running’s trail and ultra recap for December 7, 2015.
AJW interviews Alex Varner about his course record at the 2015 Quad Dipsea.
This Week In Running’s trail and ultra recap for November 30, 2015.
AJW writes about finding and making time for the most important parts of his life, his family, job, and running.
Sitting by the fire, cradling a cup of coffee, I watch the snow fall, gently blanketing my front yard in […]
This Week In Running’s trail and ultra recap for November 23, 2015.
AJW writes about how he’s feeling two months after hip-resurfacing surgery.
Geoff Roes writes about how his relationship with running has evolved through the years.
This Week In Running’s trail and ultra recap for November 16, 2015.
AJW writes about the approaching Western States and Hardrock lotteries.