Pain And The Ultrarunner
AJW writes about pain in running and in the rest of life.
Dakota Jones’s fiction piece about sabotage, betrayal, and cheerfully inflicted harm–especially with Smirnoff Ice.
This Week In Running’s trail and ultra recap for April 10, 2017.
Learn to love the runnable long run to improve your ultrarunning.
Information about the change of ownership of the Barkley Marathons.
AJW writes about how just changing your perspective can change everything.
Joe Grant writes about the process of accepting and managing risk while traveling in wild places.
An in-depth interview with trail and ultrarunner Pam Smith.
This Week In Running’s trail and ultra recap for March 27, 2017.
AJW applies the ‘practice makes perfect’ concept to trail and ultrarunning.
A catch-up conversation with the Trail Sisters during a virtual run.
This Week In Running’s trail and ultra recap for March 13, 2017.
AJW recaps the 2017 Altra Golden Ticket races so far and previews those that remain.
Dakota Jones writes about learning to Nordic ski.
An in-depth profile of ultrarunner and race director Chrissy Ferguson.
Allowing for “miracle” runs by getting out the door under less than ideal circumstances.
This Week In Running’s trail and ultra recap for February 27, 2017.
AJW writes about the psychological values of the weekly long run.
The Trail Sisters discuss prize-money equality among men and women in trail and ultrarunning.