Is David Roche Having His Geoff Roes Moment?
AJW draws a comparison between David Roche’s current winning streak and Geoff Roes’s epic year from 2009 to 2010.
AJW draws a comparison between David Roche’s current winning streak and Geoff Roes’s epic year from 2009 to 2010.
A profile of Junel Malapad, who has redefined Boxing Day as Running Day, to raise funds for worthy causes.
This Week in Running’s trail and ultra recap for November 4, 2024.
AJW recounts his return to the 100-mile distance at the 2024 Javelina 100 Mile.
A profile of Irish ultrarunner and vet, Emma Stuart.
An analysis of Appalachian Trail FKTs through the lens of data.
This Week in Running’s trail and ultra recap for October 28, 2024.
AJW celebrates the success of a coaching client, who is still training and racing successfully into his eighth decade.
A creative reflection on what it means to find one’s limits on the trails.
Gabe Joyes answers your questions on all things trail running.
This Week in Running’s trail and ultra recap for October 21, 2024.
Zach Miller’s thoughts on the changes in trail running over the years, and the importance of maintaining its essence.
A conversation with runner and Semi Rad creator, Brendan Leonard.
Lessons we can learn from Tara Dower’s recent Appalachian Trail overall supported FKT.
This Week in Running’s trail and ultra recap for October 14, 2024.
How looking at notes from a 2015 race helped shaped plans in returning to the race in 2024.
This Week in Running’s trail and ultra recap for October 7, 2024.
A profile of the Stone Cat Trail Races in Ipswich, Massachusetts.
This Week in Running’s trail and ultra recap for September 30, 2024.
AJW recaps on his recent three-day training camp in preparation for the upcoming Javelina 100 Mile.
A statistical look at the growing popularity of trail and ultrarunning coaching services.
Gabe Joyes answers questions about recovery, fastest known times, and why he is so inspired by trail bridges.
This Week in Running’s trail and ultra recap for September 23, 2024.
A visit with a friend prompts Zach Miller to think about how we should embrace both the past and the future in trail running.
Sabrina Little offers her opinion on the detrimental effects of supershoes on the sport of running.
Alli Hartz recounts an experience of striving for a big goal, and the positives to be taken from failure.