What Do You Listen to While You Run?
A look into what runners listen to when they run and why.
Learn why training volume is important for ultramarathoners and how you can find your optimal training volume.
AJW writes about the benefits of a three-day training camp for ultramarathon build-up, especially 100-mile races.
A profile of ultrarunner and business owner Jeff Colt.
This Week In Running’s trail and ultra recap for March 27, 2023.
AJW muses on a few possible rule changes that could alter the sport of ultrarunning.
The data show that runners improve their 100-mile finishing times when they repeat the same race two or more times.
This Week In Running’s trail and ultra recap for March 20, 2023.
Zach Miller writes about training, and the trap of getting too obsessed with arbitrary numbers and linear progress.
Sabrina Little comments on the virtues we gain from difficulties experienced in life.
This Week In Running’s trail and ultra recap for March 13, 2023.
A recap of and reflection on the age-group races at the 2023 Jackpot Ultrarunning Festival.
Bryon Powell looks at where he can cultivate more joie de vivre in his life.
Advice for new ultramarathon runners on easing intelligently into the sport.
A profile of San Diego 100 Mile race directors Angela Shartel and BJ Haeck.
A profile of Phil Snyder, ultrarunner and manager of Colorado’s Berkeley Park Running Company.
This Week In Running’s trail and ultra recap for February 27, 2023.
AJW writes about the rewards of staying involved in the ultrarunning community, beyond one’s own racing days.
A profile of the Rocky Mountain Runners club based in Boulder, Colorado.
An analysis of how the price of trail shoes has increased over time.
This Week In Running’s trail and ultra recap for February 20, 2023.
A profile of Canadian ultrarunner Jazmine Lowther.