The Running Standard
An article about the different gears we use in mountain running and embracing the hike.
An article about the different gears we use in mountain running and embracing the hike.
A thoughtful piece about training and never being fully satisfied with one’s own performance.
Zach Miller writes about using will to knuckle through issues in sports and life.
Be a sponge in your training. Soak up the training, squeeze, and soak it up again.
Zach Miller talks about running with a headlamp, and the different points of view we may gain or lose.
Zach Miller talks about giving each race the best you’ve got, despite adverse circumstances.
An essay about preventing perfection from being the enemy of progress in running and life.
Zach Miller writes about turning off distractions and tuning into our thoughts and the world around us.
Zach Miller’s humorous account of learning to pee while running and other outdoor “tricks.”
Zach Miller writes about the perspective gained on life and running from a long kayaking trip.
Zach Miller writes about the growth that can come from trying new and difficult things.
Zach Miller contemplates the coexistence of good and bad in most parts of life.
Zach Miller’s essay about the importance of trying something new even if you sometimes don’t feel quite ready for it.
Zach Miller writes about the power of hope in helping us move forward through the challenging times.