Running And The Trail Of Stories
Thoughts about storytelling and running.
Information about the change of ownership of the Barkley Marathons.
AJW writes about how just changing your perspective can change everything.
AJW applies the ‘practice makes perfect’ concept to trail and ultrarunning.
AJW recaps the 2017 Altra Golden Ticket races so far and previews those that remain.
AJW writes about the psychological values of the weekly long run.
AJW writes about those who were successful in the first two 2017 Altra Golden Ticket races.
AJW writes about what he learned from his seventh-grade social-studies teacher.
AJW writes about running for the purposes of exploring internal motivation.
AJW writes about the relationship between vulnerability and running.
AJW writes about his classification process for the men’s UltraRunning magazine 2016 Ultrarunner of the Year vote.
AJW writes about his classification process for the women’s UltraRunning magazine 2016 Ultrarunner of the Year vote.
AJW writes about the annual great expectations of the American ultrarunning community on the first weekend of December.
AJW writes about the value of managing life and running with one step or mile at a time.
After running the West Virginia Trilogy, AJW contemplates what makes stage racing special.
AJW talks of the allure of the Grand Canyon and the evolution of the Rim-to-Rim-to-Rim FKT.