All Kinds of Kinds

AJW recounts how a shared goal for 2024 brought him closer to a running friend.

By on January 3, 2025 | Comments

AJW's TaproomBack in June, I was chatting with my friend Derek Rehill, who I work with here in Phoenix, Arizona, at the Runner’s Den. We were comparing notes on our training as we faced the long, hot desert summer ahead, and talking through just how we would maintain our training in the months ahead. We committed to making each other accountable and positively encouraging one another.

As June gave way to July and the heat intensified, we compared runs on a daily basis. As runners often do, we also shared our weekly and monthly mileage totals. At the end of July, we noticed that our to-date annual mileage up to that time was almost identical, at right around 1,700 miles. At that time, I quipped, “Derek, we should both go for 3,000 for the year!” Derek smiled and said, “Ok, sure.”

Andy Jones-Wilkins and Derek Rehill

The author (left) with Derek Rehill outside Runner’s Den. Photo: Robby Foster

From that point on, our daily comparisons bordered on an obsession, and as the heat lingered into September and even October, we began to doubt if we could do it. But, through our shared suffering and daily encouragement, we forged on. By the end of November, we each had just over 300 miles to go, and that is where it got interesting.

It turns out that Derek and I are completely different runners. While I am an ultrarunner who runs roads and trails and jumps into the occasional race, Derek is a daily grinder who eschews the trails and races and runs between seven and 10 miles every day. With just over 300 miles to run in a month, Derek’s calculus was simple: “Well, looks like I need to run 10 miles a day in December and I am good!” He started on December 1.

AJW - 2024 Javelina 100 Mile - nighttime

The author running the nighttime section of the 2024 Javelina 100 Mile. Photo: CTS Ultrarunning

As for me, I adopted a different approach to my last 300 miles, since I would not be able to grind out 10 miles a day for a month. In fact, I planned to get to the last week of December with a bit less than 100 miles to go and cram the final miles into the last week. As it turned out, on December 31, Derek ran his usual 10 miles, and I ran 50 miles at the Across the Years event here in Arizona, and we both got it done.

What was interesting for me in this whole experience, is how running can bring together all kinds of kinds. In this case, 2024 brought together the quintessential roadie, pounding out daily 10 milers, with me, a classic ultra/trail guy — both living through the “trial of miles.” And although Derek and I didn’t run a single run together, we were brought closer together through this thing we love so much. Who knows, maybe we’ll do it again in 2025!

Bottoms up!

AJW’s Beer of the Week

This week’s beer of the week comes from Lumberyard Brewing Company in Flagstaff, Arizona. Railhead Red is a classic amber ale brewed with a rich selection of malts. Its full-bodied flavor is perfect for those crisp Flagstaff nights.

Call for Comments

Have you set any mileage goals for 2025?

Andy Jones-Wilkins

Andy Jones-Wilkins is an educator by day and has been the author of AJW’s Taproom at iRunFar for over 11 years. A veteran of over 190 ultramarathons, including 38 100-mile races, Andy has run some of the most well-known ultras in the United States. Of particular note are his 10 finishes at the Western States 100, which included 7 times finishing in the top 10. Andy lives with his wife, Shelly, and Josey, the dog, and is the proud parent of three sons, Carson, Logan, and Tully.