I never got the chance to know Dave Terry, but he touched the lives of many of my closest ultrarunning friends. Unfortunately with Dave’s untimely passing last weekend, I’ll never get to know him in person. However, I’ve since learned of what a remarkable man he was from the many tributes that my friends and others have written about him. For those of you who don’t know or have never heard of Dave, he was an integral member of the ultrarunning community for seemingly forever. He was a loyal Montrail team runner for over a decade and logged 10 finishes at both the Western States and Wasatch 100 milers. That’s all I’ll say, except that you should read what Dave’s friend have to say about him. I’ve collected their stories below.
Tributes to Dave Terry
- Sean Meissner talks about meeting Dave, running with him at Zane Grey in 2005, and seeing him at Western States this year.
- Krissy Moehl remembers pacing Dave at the first 100 miler she attended (Wasatch 100 2002), his help in her learning about the Montrail team she managed, and his help after her run at Western States this year. [Broken link to September 22 2009 blogpost “I Miss You DT” removed]
- Andy Jones-Wilkins shares many Western States memories of Dave (’01, ’06, ’07, & 09) and Dave’s words of encouragement during Wasatch in 2006. He later wrote about Dave on iRunFar.
- Craig Thornley evokes memories of Dr. Terry during the 2002 WS100. Check out the comments on Craig’s post for many more stories about Dave.
- Terri Schneider calls for us to talk about suicide in the wake of Dave’s death.
- Howard Cohen posts some great pictures of Dave.
- Others who provide insight into the great Dave Terry include:
- Rogue Valley Runners
- Tonya Olson
- Dom Repta on Team Montrail Canada’s blog
- Seattle Times obituary
Please let me know of other tributes and memories of Dave and I’ll post them. Feel free to share your stories in the comments as well.

(Source: Ty Draney’s memorial post)