Beginning in 2008, the Montrail-Nathan running team will be reduced from its current size of nearly 90 runners to 15 or 20. I am one of the many who will not be returning to the team next year. While I have heard the future team status of a few M-N teammates, I will let those individuals share the news if and when they choose. However, from the reports that I have heard, the reduction has affected some prominent national team members in addition to the majority of regional level runners. I am thankful for the support that Montrial, Nathan, and the other sponsors have given and continue to give to the sport of ultrarunning as well for the many new friends I have made through my involvement with the M-N team this year.

(from l-to-r: me, Sean Meissner, and Eric Grossman) -photo by Ed “Cappuccino” Cacciapaglia
[Not shown are teammates Greg Loomis and Ragan Petrie.]